Thank You to the Atlantic Baptist Women

Thank You to the Atlantic Baptist Women

A “Thank You” to the Atlantic Baptist Women. On May 28th at the Atlantic Baptist Women’s (ABW) conference at Crandall University, I was presented with a cheque for $7,638.49 (Any guy would go to women’s conference for that!). The ABW had “Walked for Refugees” and the...

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Millville Baptist Celebrates Baptisms

Millville Baptist Celebrates Baptisms

Good News from Millville Baptist. God is not finished with us! He is at work in Millville. On Sunday June 12, 2016, Rev. Derek Langille had the privilege of baptizing 7! Great to see God making a difference in lives! Back row: Deacon Dennis Connor, Rev. Derek...

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Pointing to the Perfect Father

Pointing to the Perfect Father

“The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.” Psalm 103:13 As dads, one of the most important ways we can impact our children is by spending time with them. It could be a walk in the woods, out on the golf course, hitting...

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CABC President Asks for Prayer

CABC President Asks for Prayer

Dear Fellow Atlantic Baptists, Greetings in the name of our Saviour and Lord. At OASIS 2015 we voted to sell our office building in Saint John, New Brunswick and move to a more central location. The building was listed with a realtor last year. While there was some...

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EFC Survey for Pastors

EFC Survey for Pastors

To CABC Pastors: We have an opportunity to participate in a national study on the missions engagement of evangelical churches. I’d like to explain what the research is about and how your participation can directly benefit our denomination. Our denomination is an...

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