Motion 312

Motion 312

On February 6, 2012, MP Stephen Woodworth filed Motion 312 requesting that Parliament form a special committee to review Canada's legislative definition of a "human being". This is a really important discussion which has implications on a number of fronts. The...

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Hemorrhaging Faith

Hemorrhaging Faith

A major research project has just been released that takes an in depth look at why Canadian young people are leaving the church. “Only one in three Canadian young adults who attended church weekly as a child still do so today,” says James Penner, lead author of...

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Connect 2012

Connect 2012

CONNECT 2012 is a series of regional gatherings for pastors and church leaders to be held in September and October. The purpose of these consultations is to Connect (fellowship), Consult (we want to hear from you) and Communicate (updating you on some future...

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Oasis 2012 Recap

Oasis 2012 Recap

"I've been coming to Convention Assembly [Oasis] for sixty years, and this is the best one yet." This was just one of the comments heard at Oasis 2012. Oasis has recently wrapped up for another year and it was amazing! Hundreds of people gathered at Crandall...

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Fifth Name Announced for Senior Staff Position

Fifth Name Announced for Senior Staff Position

The Council of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches is pleased to announce the fifth candidate for the remaining senior staff position. Several months ago, the Council formed a search committee which received several applications for the available positions....

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