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New Eyes

December 31, 2013

eyes-bw-color-centerDuring this busy holiday season, we try to stop and take time to reflect on the reason for our celebration. The reason why Jesus, God’s Son, needed to come to earth. The reason why we cannot do life alone. Sometimes it can be easy to reflect on the meaning of Christmas, reflect on the Biblical passages and allow Christ to speak to our hearts, yet perhaps our lives remain unchanged or different. What is one area of our lives that God may be asking us to change as a result of His living presence in our lives?

One change I believe God is speaking to my heart is in the area of being more intentional in how I live my every day life. Perhaps this is because we just said good-bye to a couple in our lives that have lived among us for the past two years. As I reflected on their time, I realized how they intentionally lived out their faith in Christ among everyone they met. They were ready and willing to give time to anyone who needed it, whether it was consistently helping with the “Out of the Cold” ministry (a homeless shelter during the winter months); wrote to individuals who were incarcerated; helped single moms; they took others (who may not otherwise be able to) on day trips; helped to move furniture, or stacked plies of wood. This couple was willing and ready to be the hands and feet of Christ wherever they could; they saw others and served them with genuine love.

After reflecting on their impact here in this community, I have begun to think more about how many times we get so caught up in our own lives, needs, and desires, that we do not really see those around us who Christ wants us to love and truly live among. I have been convicted of the need to live even more intentionally, setting aside what I think is important to get done in order to walk with someone who may need assistance, or someone who may need love and the presence of another person more than my to-do list needs to get done. As I have reflected on this, my prayer has come from the song “Give me Your eyes.” by Brandon Heath and Jason Ingram (“Give Me Your Eyes” written by Brandon Heath and Jason Ingram; 2008 Essential Music / Sitka 6 Music (ASCAP)). The song speaks about asking God to give us His eyes so we can see what He sees in the world, to help us see what we miss, and to give us His love for those who are forgotten and broken.

What is consuming our minds these days is it: How will we be spending time around Christmas? How many friends will we get to see over the holidays? Will we get to see all of our family? This Christmas season, may we begin to ask God to open our eyes so we can live more intentionally, actually seeing those around us who need His love that we would otherwise just walk on by; may we ask God to give us new eyes to see.

1. How might I free my schedule today so I can be more present with those individuals who come across my path?
2. What is one thing I can put off doing today so I can do something for someone outside of my circle of family and friends?
3. What is one thing I need to change so I can be more available to the needs of those around me?


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