Atlantic Baptist Mission Board

The Atlantic Baptist Mission Board is an independently incorporated Board within the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada that works closely with CBAC Council to achieve the goals of CBAC. Specifically, the Board’s role is to “ensure that a central guiding vision is maintained in the areas of evangelism, church planting, intercultural ministries, and special mission projects”.

Rev. Kevin Vincent serves as the Director of Atlantic Baptist Mission

Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28: 18-20


A significant portion of the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board annual budget is set aside to help fund various churches, ministries, missions and situations within the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada.

Depending upon the need and the availability of funds, both the Ministry Initiative Grant and Capital Grant may be extended to churches. For more information or to obtain copies of grant application forms please contact your local Association or our office.

Atlantic Baptist Mission Board

The role of the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board is to carry out the mandate given to it by the CBAC, which is to provide a “central guiding vision and leadership to the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada in the areas of evangelism, church planting, intercultural ministries, and other mission endeavours. (Article 2 – Purpose, Constitution of the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board.)

The mandate also includes the following:

  1. In cooperation with the Associations, to make decisions regarding Pastoral Ministry Grants,
  2. To work closely with the Council to achieve the goals of The CBAC, and
  3. To assume responsibility for the property matters, trusts and investments of the previous Home Mission Board.


  • Rev. Brandon Thompson
  • Mr. Jim Verboom
  • Rev. Angela Wade
  • Rev.  Kevin Vincent, Director, Atlantic Baptist Mission
  • Mrs. Joan Peacock, Home Missions Coordinator, Atlantic Baptist Women

ABMB Purpose Statement

Recognizing that local churches are the key to effective evangelism and church planting, the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board exists so that the churches of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada will be healthy, growing congregations, committed to the Great Commission and the building of God’s Kingdom.

To achieve this outcome, the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board will utilize available resources and enter into strategic partnerships. Evidence that this outcome is being achieved will be people becoming disciples of Christ, new churches being planted, and new people groups being reached for Christ.

Healthy, growing churches will have the following identifying quality characteristics:

  • Leadership that empowers Christians for ministry by mobilizing, equipping, supporting, and mentoring them so that they realize their full potential as disciples of Christ and work together to accomplish Christ’s mission.
  • Leadership that helps Christians to discover, develop, and exercise their spiritual gifts in appropriate matching ministries in their church, their community, and beyond.
  • Members who have a loving intimacy with God through Jesus Christ, who expect that God through the Holy Spirit is powerfully at work in and through them, and who live their faith with contagious enthusiasm.
  • Organizational structures that work together to facilitate spiritual health, growth, and outreach.
  • Worship inspired by the Holy Spirit, which results in a personal and corporate encounter with the living God that spiritually encourages and strengthens the worshippers.
  • Small groups that are disciple-making communities in which individuals experience acceptance and mutual caring, and are helped to grow in Christlikeness throughinteraction with one another in conversation, prayer and the study of God’s Word.
  • Evangelism that shares the good news of Christ in the context of authentic relationships, appropriate ministries, and genuine faith-stories that focus on and respond to the questions and needs of non-Christians.
  • Genuine, loving, grace-filled relationships with one another within the fellowship that attract others to God’s family in order to experience and share in the same love.

Churches committed to the great commission will, both locally and globally:

  • Depend on the empowerment and direction of the Holy Spirit in the work of evangelism and discipleship (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8).
  • Go to the lost with the same love and on the same mission that Jesus was given by his Father (John 20:21).
  • Preach repentance and forgiveness through Jesus Christ to all peoples (Luke 24:46-47).
  • Be deeply involved in making disciples of all peoples, teaching them to live out in everyday life the teachings and commands of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20).

Churches committed to building the Kingdom of God will, with love and compassion:

  • Live under the rule and authority of God, seeking to do his will in all areas of their lives individually and corporately (Matthew 6:10).
  • Work to facilitate the deliverance of persons and institutions from the power and control of Satan into the power and the peace (Shalom) of God, beginning with the new birth and continuing with the ministry of reconciliation (John 3:3-8; Acts 26:17, 18; Colossians 1:9-14; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21).
  • Practice and promote justice, peace and righteousness in their communities and in the world (Romans 14:17).

Ministry Initiative Grant

The Atlantic Baptist Mission Board is committed to supporting churches and ministries that evidence a strong forward motion in reaching their potential for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. Consequently, applications will be considered from churches in need of financial support for a concrete vision and intentional strategy for one or more of the following:

  • the renewal or revitalization of the church’s ministry;
  • to become a healthy (or healthier) growing church;
  • to establish a specific outreach ministry in the community or beyond;
  • to reach the immediate community and beyond with the Gospel;
  • to establish a point of mission or plant a new church;
  • to begin a new ministry initiative or move the ministry of the church in a new direction.

Capital Grant

Congregations of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada requiring assistance with costs of general repairs or improvements to their church building may apply to the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board for a grant of up to $1500.00.

Application can be made in writing to the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board, PO Box 6003, Moncton, NB E1C 0V7. The application should contain the following:

  1. A statement outlining the nature of the project and the estimated cost.
  2. A statement outlining the proposed financial plan (church contribution to the project, other sources, etc.).
  3. The grant amount being requested.
  4. A copy of the church’s most recent financial statements should be enclosed.