Board of Ministerial Standards and Education

Role: The role of the Board of Ministerial Standards and Education is to carry out the mandate given to it by the CBAC, which is to:

  1. Individually interview ministerial candidates who are considering training for the Baptist ministry with ordination in view … to determine their fitness for the pastoral office; to direct them in their course of study; to consider with them the financial obligations involved; and to assist in any way which lies within the jurisdiction of the Board. Further, the Board of Ministerial Standards and Education shall review the progress of the preparation of candidates from time to time and report the same to the appropriate Association committees.
  2. Review the cases of ministers who leave the ministry to enter secular callings outside the denomination … to determine whether their names shall or shall not remain on the Accredited List of Ministers within the CBAC. This will be done with notice and right of appeal to the Executive of Council.
  3. Meet with ministers who are ordained, and recommended by a body in fellowship with the Baptist World Alliance, and recommend that they be placed on the Accredited List of Ministers, after ensuring that they have met the conditions set forth in the Recognition of Prior Ordination document.
  4. Meet with ordained ministers coming from church bodies not affiliated with the Baptist World Alliance, and recommend that they be placed on the Accredited List of Ministers, after ensuring that they have met the conditions set forth in the Recognition of Prior Ordination document.
  5. Be the keeper of the standards on behalf of the churches within the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada. Any minister or pastor appointed, inducted, ordained, installed, recognized, or employed by a church or agency of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada and who is accredited by CBAC, and any candidate for ministry who has been accepted by the Board of Ministerial Standards and Education for the purpose of pursuing preparation for the ministry and is currently working toward that goal, are accountable to the CBAC Assembly through the Board of Ministerial Standards and Education for maintaining and upholding Biblical and professional standards of Christian ministry. Any complaint of sexual or professional misconduct shall be dealt with by the Board according to the procedures set forth in the Moral Failure document approved by the CBAC Assembly.

Current Board of Ministerial Standards and Education


  • Chair – Knowles, Dr. Robert (2024)
  • Anderson, Dr. Lennett (2024)
  • DeWare, Rev. Mitchell (2024)
  • Jackson, Dr. Richard (2025)
  • Steeves, Rev. Carolyn (2025)
  • Tait, Rev. Shawn (2025)
  • Britton, Dr. Rhonda (2026)
  • DuBois, Mrs. Wendy (2026)
  • Smith, Mrs. Pam (2026)

Ex Officio

President, Crandall University or designate; President, Acadia Divinity College or designate; CBAC Executive Minister; Associate Executive Ministers