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A Hope-Filled Advent

November 25, 2024

It’s our vision to be a people “overflowing with hope” and that’s what this coming Advent season is all about – our living hope found in Jesus!

CBAC’s Executive Minister Renée MacVicar has recorded a short Hope-filled Advent reflection we invite you to share with your church. (The video can be downloaded directly from the Vimeo page.)

Also, be sure to watch for a gift that we have coming for you: a 20-minute sermon for your church that you can use the Sunday before or after Christmas, or any time in the New Year.


CBAC Executive Minister Listening Tour

CBAC Executive Minister Listening Tour

You’re invited to an opportunity to share your feedback, input, hopes, concerns, and dreams for the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) during our listening tour (November 12 to December 9). Everyone in our CBAC family is invited – pastors, leaders,...

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Celebrating our Successful 2023 Ordination Candidates

Celebrating our Successful 2023 Ordination Candidates

On August 8, 9 & 10, 2023, the annual Examining Council for Ordination met to interview candidates for ordination. We're thrilled to share that the following candidates have been recommended for ordination back their local church: October 1 @ 10:30am, Atlantic...

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Ron Scott Resigns as CBAC Communications Manager

Ron Scott Resigns as CBAC Communications Manager

The Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) announces the resignation of Ron Scott (Communications Manager) effective October 6, 2023. Ron joined the CBAC team in April 2019. During his time as a valued member of the CBAC Team, Ron has capably taken our...

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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

The CBAC is joining with our Canadian Baptist Family to provide this resource on September 30th.  As we commemorate the 2023 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we invite you to join us in a prayerful and reflective commemoration, right on the very lands where...

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